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The Simple Blueprint To Gain Confidence in  Yourself, and Getting the Job & Career you want and deserve. 

- Even if you're in your 40s, 50s, or older


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Are you seeking immediate employment, yearning for a career transformation, or aiming to double your salary?

Your success hinges on effectively showcasing your unique offerings, opening the right doors, influencing hiring managers, and negotiating a deal that sets the stage for a prosperous career. This book serves as your comprehensive, step-by-step playbook for job search, packed with practical tools to help you meet and exceed your career aspirations and goals. It's not just about finding a job - it's about building a career that you love and deserve:


>>    Find your natural talents and strengths.

>>    Build your personal resource platform, candidacy, and confidence.

>>    Position yourself for the hard-to-reach opportunities

>>    Work your network and have your network working for you.

>>    Work multiple strategies to get in front of hiring managers.

>>    Nail your interviews and prepare your references.

>>    Negotiate like a pro and be valued as you deserve.


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Define Your Purpose

 What will get you up in the morning eager to go to work? Discover what you need to trive once and for all. You may be surprised.

Identify Your Super Skills

Identify your natural strengths and super skills to build a successful and engaging career.

Define your value add.

Discover and define your personal resource platform AKA what value you have to offer a new employer.

Identify Target Positions

Get clear on what openings, titles, and industries you want as the first step in your future career.


Understand what you need to adjust to be considered for the job you want.

Communicate off and online

How to make your pitches, application, and social media presence support your new branding strategy.

Understand hiring managers and processes

Hiring managers and recruiters differ, and so do recruitment processes. Learn how to align your approach to open the doors.

Target Employers

Select and targeting spesific employers

Strategies of getting interviews

Get the insights on networking, application processes, and multiple other ways of getting in the door.

Nail the interviews

Learn how to prepare to ace the interview.

Get references to work for you

Provide the right references and navigate back-door references that recruiters may contact.

Negotiate with confidence

Figure out what you deserve in any given market. Understand the policies and prepare to get what you deserve.

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Coachee Testimonials:

 Thank you very much for the excellent guidance on all fronts! You really are world-class! I feel that I came strengthened out of this process.

Male, 54, procurement.


Thank you so much for all the good and useful tips you have provided along the way! Everyone should have a Monica behind them when they are job searching!

Female, 32, Engineer.


You have been such incredible support and inspirer for me. I give you much of the credit for being able to stay positive and believe that I am actually OK, even though I became redundant. You have been absolutely super from the first meeting !!

Female, 55, Administration.


I cannot express how grateful I am for all the help and support you and your team have given me in this process! Thank you.

Female, 44, Project manager.


They improved their offer. Thank you for pushing me (to ask).

Male, 45, Consultant.

Ordering information

E-book(ePub) ISBN Code 978-82-692452-1-9
Paperback ISBN Code 978-82-692452-0-2
Hardcover ISBN Code 978-82-692452-3-3

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Keycard: How to open doors and

Get The Job You Want

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